
Gifts of Stocks and Bonds

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to Mission Aviation Fellowship.

Benefits of gifts of stocks and bonds

  • Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock
  • Receive a charitable income tax deduction
  • Further our mission today

How to make a gift of stocks and bonds

1. Select which securities to donate

You’ll need your brokerage name, account number, stock name, and number of shares you want to donate. Donors generally incur the greatest tax benefit when donating appreciated stock that has been held for more than a year. Please contact your brokerage if you have any questions.

2. Submit a request to transfer the securities

Use our free online tool to complete the necessary forms in as little as ten minutes. Submit them securely online through DocuSign or choose to print and mail the completed forms yourself.

If you’d rather not use our online tool, you can contact your brokerage to initiate the donation. Please be sure to notify MAF of the stock type and number of shares that you are transferring to MAF’s account. 

3. MAF receives your gift

Your stock is transferred to Mission Aviation Fellowship. Once complete, you’ll receive a tax acknowledgment letter for your gift.

Save time for yourself and the charity

Mission Aviation Fellowship works with FreeWill’s platform, making it easy for you to donate stock and other securities. 

If you gift stocks through your brokerage, MAF is provided limited information about the gift. It can be difficult for us to match stock gifts with donors unless you remember to contact MAF to let us know about the gift. When you use this free online tool, MAF automatically knows who sent the gift for recognition and tax acknowledgement purposes. 

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