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July 23 – July 29, 2018

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
-Joshua 1:9 (AMP)

Monday, July 23
Lord God, thank You for Your promise that You will always be with us wherever we go. It’s because of You that we can refuse to be intimidated or terrified or worried. We put our trust in You, Abba King! Help us to be courageous and to encourage others in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, July 24
MAF regularly assists farming communities to fly their cash crops to market. Please pray that God will be drawing these communities to Himself. Here’s a testimony of a coffee buyer and store owner from Simbai.

Wednesday, July 25
Pray for MAF missionary families and their college-bound children this summer as they prepare for this big transition. Pray for safe travels, dependence on God, and wise choices in the face of much change.

Thursday, July 26
Lift up Phil and Kris Nelson, a pilot/mechanic family who served with MAF for 20 years in Indonesia. In 2011, the Nelsons moved to Nampa, Idaho, where Phil works as a maintenance instructor in the training department at MAF headquarters.

Friday, July 27
Pray for God’s clear direction in Kalimantan, Indonesia. May He bless the use of the MAF amphibious Kodiak, PK-MEE, in Palangkaraya, which made it there safely!!

Saturday, July 28
Lift up Erick and Joanna Paradizo, a pilot/mechanic family preparing to serve with MAF in Ecuador. Pray for them as they raise finances and gather their support team. Pray also for their health and a good pregnancy—they’re expecting twins!

Sunday, July 29
Praise God for new MAF staff in Lesotho, Africa. Three new families have recently joined the team. Pray for a good adjustment to the language, culture, climate, and healthy team dynamics.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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