Hop on board special mission flights (virtually, of course) that will take you to mountains, jungles, and high deserts where MAF staff and partners are sharing the love of Jesus with isolated people.
Click on one of the missions below and prepare to take off!
Fly into the mountains of Lesotho to see the installation of a water project
Take a flight into a nature preserve with a medical team in Mozambique
Join MAF staff as they visit an Internally Displaced People camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fly into the backcountry of Idaho with a new pilot from Haiti
Take a flight into the mountains of Kalimantan to repair an airstrip
Join MAF staff as they return a patient back to his home in Kinshasa
Take a flight into the interior of Papua and experience a Bible dedication
Fly into the Amazon jungle and see how a small church is growing in their faith
Join a youth camp ministry in the mountains of North Kalimantan