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An Update on Pilot Ryan Koher


Update as of August 11, 2023

Ryan and Annabel continue their wait upon the Lord for movement in the legal process regarding his case. While they wait, a happy family moment occurred when they moved into their new home in Mozambique the week of August 7.

For many years, staff housing consisted of rental homes in the area. Continued increases in rent, limited ability to make improvements, poor security, and the spread out nature of the housing caused MAF to build staff housing on property they owned.

In addition to three new homes, there is a new water system and electrical improvements, along with fencing for security. There is enough space for families to have room, yet able to visit one another with a short walk.

Ryan and Annabel shared some photos of their new house.

They also shared, “We are all moved into our house, which we’re calling the Selah House. Our prayer is that this will be a home where we will Rest in the Lord, Reflect Him,  Reflect on His Word, & Remember the testimonies of all He has done.

“We’re so thankful for all of the help from our team & national stuff. They moved all of our belongings, set up beds & mosquito nets, set up all appliances, & hung curtains in an hour and a half! What a blessing! We are very grateful for your prayers and fasting as we continue to walk through this season.”

We praise the Lord for this blessing to the Koher family in a difficult time. Please continue to pray for the Kohers and the orphanage volunteers, Willem and Eric, and that the case would be dismissed and free them from this lengthy investigation.



Update for July 24, 2023

Please continue to pray for Ryan and Annabel as they wait on the outcome of his case. Although there’s no news yet, they find encouragement in the ongoing activity, as mentioned in their upcoming prayer letter.

“We were hoping that this prayer letter would contain news of Ryan’s ability to travel back to the U.S., but God’s ways are not our ways. We trust in Him and rest in that His plan is good. The investigation is still ongoing, and Mozambican officials have requested information from the U.S. government (about MAF).

“Ryan is still unable to travel outside of Mozambique at this time. We have been blessed with visas for the boys and me to remain in Mozambique through the beginning of November. We pray Ryan will be free by then and be able to travel back to the U.S. with us before then.

“Many have asked about Ryan’s inability to fly at this time. Due to his work visa having expired during his time in prison and his lack of passport on hand to renew the visa, Ryan is unable to do any official work, including flying and maintaining the planes.

The Mozambican government’s request for information about MAF is viewed as a positive step. However, this process is moving at a slow pace. In the meantime, Ryan’s lawyer is pursuing legal possibilities for him to travel to the U.S.

While the Lord has been meeting the needs of Ryan and Annabel, it is time to lift them to the Lord through community prayer and fasting. We are inviting everyone to participate in a period of prayer and fasting on Thursday, July 27.

Mission Aviation Fellowship’s headquarters will utilize the lunch hour for a time of corporate prayer on behalf of Ryan and Annabel. You are encouraged to find an appropriate time to lift up the Koher family in prayer, as well as fasting if you choose.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for the Koher family.



Update for June 30, 2023

Ryan and Annabel continue to wait on the outcome of the case against him and the two South Africans. His attorney is in regular contact with officials overseeing the investigation and continues to work towards a resolution of the case.

Mission Network News (MNN) recently did an interview with Ryan and Annabel that is in two parts. This story is made available to Christian media outlets, including radio stations, around the U.S.

You can read the first part of the interview here. In the 4–5-minute audio broadcast link Ryan and Annabel’s comments are heard in the first minute and thirty seconds of the audio.

The second part is here, and their remarks start at the 1:48 mark in the 4-5-minute audio broadcast link.

We thank the Lord for your prayers that have helped sustain Ryan and Annabel during this very long process. If you would like to send them a message of support, you can send it to through


Update for May 30, 2023

Please pray as the waiting continues for Ryan Koher and his family. As you know, Ryan and two orphanage volunteers were detained November 4 when police officers confiscated the load of supplies that Ryan was to fly to northern Mozambique. The three were detained in prison for four months before a provisional release was granted in early March.

Ryan’s legal counsel in Mozambique continues to press for the investigation to conclude and for Ryan’s full release. Ryan current provisional release requires him to check in every 15 days with authorities and he is unable to leave the country. Ryan, Annabel, and their boys are presently at their home in Nampula, Mozambique.

In an answer to prayer, visas were secured for Annabel and the boys to stay in Mozambique until early November.

Please pray for peace and strength for Ryan and Annabel as the case drags on. Pray that the case is resolved soon and that Ryan and the orphanage volunteers are freed from any further legal concerns.

Update for May 18, 2023

Ryan and Annabel remain in Nampula and want to share this update with you that has been placed on YouTube here.

They are still waiting for the investigation to conclude. As they have asked, please continue to pray for them and a positive outcome in this case.

We trust in the Lord to remove all obstacles in the path to Ryan’s freedom.

If you desire to send them words of encouragement, you can do so at

Thank you.



Update for April 28, 2023

Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed MAF President and CEO, David Holsten, on the status of Ryan Koher, MAF’s pilot on provisional release from prison in Mozambique.

Holsten talks about his conversation with Ryan, when the case might conclude, and asks believers to continue to pray for Ryan and “that he’d be cleared of any charges.”

The full interview can read at MNN here.



Update for April 14, 2023
Ryan, Annabel, and the two boys are doing well and settling into a routine at their home in Mozambique.

He is checking in with officials as required by his provisional release. The legal process is ongoing and it is unknown at this time when it will be completed.

Please continue to pray that the case will be dropped and Ryan will be free from any prosecution. Also pray that Ryan and Annabel continue to trust in the Lord through this time of uncertainty about the outcome of the case.



Update for March 30, 2023

 A happy family reunion was held Wednesday afternoon in Mozambique. Annabel, Elias, and Hezekiah were reunited with Ryan after nearly five months of separation.

The family’s return began with a Monday afternoon departure from Boise, accompanied by MAF’s VP of People. She reported that the days of travel went smoothly. The boys were troopers through all the flights and airports. “We were so grateful for all the prayers!”

Ryan was in the Ambassador Aviation hangar, which is near the main airport terminal, when his family arrived for a private welcome. The photo was taken in the hangar shortly afterwards.

Once resettled at their home in Nampula, dinner was brought in for the family to enjoy.

Earlier in the day, Ryan had his first check-in under the requirements of the provisional release. He will be required to report at regular intervals to authorities in Nampula. Ryan’s lawyer is continuing to monitor the case and waiting for the prosecutor to conclude the investigation.

Ryan has found relief from his itching with new medication and is recovering. Thank you for praying for this during his time in prison.

Please give thanks to the Lord that Ryan, Annabel, and the boys are together once again. Also, continue to pray that the case will be dropped and that Ryan will be free from any prosecution.


Update for March 22, 2023

Ryan has been enjoying his newfound freedom this past week and he shared a message with his coworkers that we want to share with you. That video can be found here.

He has been to a doctor for a checkup and also met with the U.S. Ambassador to Mozambique and some of his staff. They remain engaged with the case since Ryan is out on a provisional release.

Ryan has returned to his home in Nampula where he will wait for the judicial process to move forward on his case.

Please continue to pray that the case will be quickly dismissed and that Ryan is granted a full release, and that he can be reunited with his family soon..

As a reminder, any notes of encouragement for Ryan and Annabel can be sent to



To view a short video from Annabel Koher, Ryan’s wife, it can be viewed here.

Update for March 15, 2023

Statement on release of MAF pilot Ryan Koher from prison in Mozambique

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is pleased to confirm that pilot Ryan Koher has been granted a provisional release from prison in Mozambique.

Koher, an American pilot, along with two South African men, W.J. du Plessis and Eric Dry, also detained, left prison late on Tuesday afternoon. They have been held for more than four months.

They are required to remain in Mozambique and the case is still ongoing. We are continuing to learn more about next steps in the case from our legal counsel.

Ryan has talked with his wife, Annabel, and his two boys multiple times now and he is doing well.

The executive leadership team of MAF-US expresses its thanks for all those who have been praying for Ryan and his family. We ask for continued prayer that the final outcome will be a full release of Ryan from any charges and trial.

MAF is grateful to the courts in Mozambique for this decision. Out of respect for the legal process in Mozambique, MAF will make no further comment at this time.

# # #

Thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes can be sent to Annabel and Ryan at 


Update for March 7, 2023

Praise the Lord that Ryan’s wife, Annabel, was able talk to Ryan early Monday morning and he was able to speak to his two boys. Please continue to pray for the family as they endure this time apart.

The country director was also able to see Ryan on Monday as part of the visitation schedule. He reported that the new medication appears to be working and Ryan said he has less itching. The director also brought some books to Ryan and learned he can have some TV time. Ryan asked for a few items that the director will supply.

An official from the U.S. Embassy will be checking in on Ryan Wednesday. The country director met with embassy officials following his visit to the prison and the items requested by Ryan will be delivered during their meeting.

The Cessna 206 safely arrived in Nampula on Saturday and included Ryan’s personal items that were left behind. Ryan was concerned about losing his hat, sunglasses, and Leatherman tool and was relieved to learn they were secured!

Ryan’s lawyer is taking legal action to ensure that due process is followed in Ryan’s case. However, judicial review will likely take several weeks and your prayers are needed. Please pray that the case will move forward in a timely manner and that the prosecutor will drop the case so Ryan, and the two South Africans, will be released.

Thank you for continuing to lift the Koher family up in prayer.

Update for March 3, 2023

We can praise the Lord for the release of Ambassador Aviation’s (MAF’s name in Mozambique) Cessna 206 back to the organization. The Cessna 206 was flown to Beira, Mozambique after the battery was charged and the airplane carefully examined. Pilot Dave Holmes will bring the airplane to Nampula tomorrow (Saturday), pending clear weather.

Ryan’s wife, Annabel, had a designated time for a call with Ryan yesterday, but it did not occur. She made the call to the prison but was told to call back on Monday. Please pray that she will be able to speak to Ryan at this new time.

Prison doctors have provided Ryan with different medication to ease his itching. They want to see if he responds to the prescription before they allow an outside doctor to examine him.

Ambassador Aviation’s country director will visit Ryan on Monday at his designated time. Your prayers are requested to make sure the visit can take place.

Please continue to pray for Ryan’s release next week as we understand a decision by the prosecutor is required by law. Pray that the Lord will nudge his heart to have justice served and release Ryan and the two South Africans. Also, lift up Annabel in prayer to be strengthened by the Lord and to have peace that God is in control.

Thank you for continuing to uphold Ryan and Annabel with your prayers during this time of uncertainty.


Update as of February 27, 2023

March 4 marks four months of time in prison for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) pilot Ryan Koher in Mozambique. Through your prayers and those of many others around the world, Ryan has been strengthened by the Lord through this challenging time and has stood as a strong witness for Christ to those around him.

At the end of four months, Mozambican law requires the prosecutor to file the results of their investigation with a judge. Since the four-month period ends on the weekend, we anticipate the report on March 6. However, we have learned throughout this journey that dates are often “fluid,” and action may not happen when stated or required.

Please pray that the prosecutor will not charge Ryan and the two South African men with supporting terrorism and will immediately release them from jail. They were arrested on November 4 as they were preparing to load supplies on the airplane for an orphanage in the northern part of the country where insurgents have been attacking towns and infrastructure. Pray that justice will be done, and they will be released!

If you want to send Annabel a message, you can do so at While she won’t be able to respond to all emails, Annabel appreciates your support.

Thank you for your prayers for Ryan. We trust in the Lord’s mercy and timing.


Update as of February 17, 2023

Thank you for your continued prayers and fasting on behalf of Ryan. His wife, Annabel said, “Thank you all for praying on Ryan’s behalf—it is making a difference as God hears and answers!”

This was evidenced when Annabel was able to speak with Ryan this week. Ryan told her his itching had been getting worse and that he doesn’t sleep well because of it. But the night prior he said he had a decent night’s sleep. She told him it was because many people were praying and fasting for him, and that night coincided with the beginning of an organized prayer and fasting event on his behalf by MAF staff around the world.

Annabel also shared that Ryan was disappointed when he had heard the news of his bail being denied. He told her that the first couple of days after hearing the news were hard, but that he now has peace from God and is committed to His will. Please continue to pray that God’s peace and strength will be upon Ryan.

An official from the U.S. Embassy visited Ryan earlier in the week and was able to deliver a mattress cover and other items that Ambassador Aviation (MAF’s business name in Mozambique) had purchased for him. The official confirmed with the country director that Ryan is able to spend an hour outside each day. They also delivered letters for Ryan that he will eventually receive once they have been reviewed.

Late last week, U.S. Ambassador Vrooman was in Nampula, and the country director was able to meet with him privately to discuss Ryan’s situation. He was pleased to hear about the effort the embassy officials are making on behalf of Ryan.

The investigation by the Mozambican prosecutor is continuing and hopefully will wrap up at the end of the month. Please pray for the truth of the matter to be revealed to the prosecutor and that, upon completion of his work, Ryan and the South African men will be released.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for Ryan.



A Mozambican judge has denied bail for Ryan and the two South African men. Please continue to pray for Ryan and the two others with renewed fervor that the Lord would strengthen them and give them peace.

The arranged call for Annabel, Ryan’s wife, did not go through on the 7th. A new time for February 16 has been set for her to call. Please pray for that call to go through.

MAF’s country director was able to meet with Ryan, who asked for several items to help keep bugs away and for some over-the-counter medications. Pray he can find the right solution to stop the itching.

The director also visited embassy officials for an update on their activity and they continue to remain engaged with government officials about the case.

Please pray that this lengthy investigation will be completed and for Ryan to remain strong during this time. If you desire to send words of encouragement to Annabel, they can be emailed at



It is anticipated that a judge will rule on the bail request for Ryan next week. Please pray for God’s intervention to allow this request to be granted. 

Below is a letter from Ryan, thanking everyone for their prayers.

Letter to Everyone

He also asks for prayers for the two South African men and everyone’s health.

Prison officials have sent word that Annabel can make a phone call to Ryan on February 7 and 16. The calls will be limited to 10 minutes and on a speakerphone. MAF’s country director will also be able to visit Ryan the same day. The timing for the visit and call will be coordinated to prevent them from occurring at the same time.

Please continue to pray for Ryan and Annabel as his detention reaches three months on February 4. If you and others who are praying for them want to send words of encouragement, emails may be sent via

Thank you for your continued prayers on Ryan’s behalf. We trust in God’s timing.


Praise the Lord for the call between Annabel and Ryan early Tuesday morning! It took some effort, but after some delay, Annabel was able to speak with Ryan beginning around 2:30 a.m. Nampa, Idaho, time. Annabel and Ryan were able to talk for several minutes with the hope of being able to do so more often in the near future. God is good.

Annabel said it was wonderful that the boys heard their dad’s voice. She said, “It was encouraging to hear Ryan’s voice and know that he really is doing well considering the circumstances. Waking the boys with Ryan’s voice on speaker and seeing their huge smiles was such a sweet moment. I feel an increase in peace and steadfastness as we continue praying and waiting on the Lord. Those nearly two hours will be cherished until we next talk or he is released”

Annabel also said that Ryan shared that, “he is greatly encouraged by the global body of Christ praying and showing Jesus’ love during this time.”

Ryan said reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, Cost of Discipleship, impacted him. He noted the need to be surrendered to God’s will and the fact that “Time is short, but eternity is long.”

He gets to have breakfast in the main area with the two South African men and they can be in the sun for a period of time. Ryan asked that we continue to pray for the South Africans who are also detained.

As for Ryan’s health, overall, he is doing well, but is dealing with itching. He has requested prayer for this since a prescription prescribed for him is not working.

Please continue to pray for Ryan and Annabel and that they continue to be strengthened by the Lord, and that this time apart will quickly end.

Please continue to send encouraging notes as they are uplifting to Annabel and she is able to pass along some of the comments to Ryan. Emails can be sent to

If you live in the Nampa, Idaho, area where MAF headquarters are located, notes and cards for Annabel can be left at the front desk at 112 N. Pilatus Lane, Nampa, or anyone can mail something to Annabel Koher at PO Box 47, Nampa, Idaho, 83653.


Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Ryan and Annabel. God has been gracious in responding to those prayers. MAF’s country director was given permission to personally visit Ryan. Until now, only his attorney and embassy officials were allowed to visit him.

The country director reported that Ryan looked good. He also reported that his faith is strong. Upon visiting with guards and other officials as he went through the various stages needed to visit Ryan, he heard how impressed the guards were with Ryan. He was pleased to see the positive impact for Christ that Ryan was having on others through his ordeal.

The country director was told that Ryan will be able to have a telephone conversation with his wife, who is back in the U.S. Even though the conversation for Annabel will take place sometime between midnight and 6:30 a.m. next week, she will not mind in the least! While we praise the Lord for this blessing after 11 weeks of separation, please pray that the phone call will take place as planned.

Please continue to pray that Ryan will be released upon completion of the lengthy investigation. The prosecutor is preparing to refer the case to the Criminal Investigation Judge to decide on Ryan’s release, allow bail, or to leave Ryan in jail. So your prayers are greatly needed on behalf of Ryan.

If you desire to send words of encouragement to Annabel, they can be emailed at


Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for Ryan and Annabel.

Below is the latest letter from Ryan as well as an excerpt of a letter he sent to his wife, Annabel. His faith remains strong and he is an encouragement to those around him.

An official from the embassy was able to meet with Ryan last Friday and they reported to Annabel on his safety and health. There are no issues related to his personal treatment in prison but he does have some minor medical issues related to bug bites.

Ryan’s attorney continues to press authorities to allow him to be released.

Excerpt from Ryan’s letter to his wife, Annabel:

If you want to send an email to uplift Annabel you can reach her at While she may not be able to respond to all emails, she will be encouraged by your support.


We are asking that you pray for Ryan Koher, a pilot for Mission Aviation Fellowship, who is in a high security prison in Mozambique. On November 4, he met two South Africans at an airport in southern Mozambique for a routine flight. They were bringing supplies for orphanages in the northern part of the country and it was a flight MAF, known as Ambassador Aviation Ltd. in Mozambique, had flown many times in the past. Before the airplane was loaded, police conducted a normal scan of the goods and had concerns about some vitamins, over-the-counter medications, and food preservative supplies that were going to staff at the orphanages.

Ryan and the two South Africans were detained that day on an accusation that quickly escalated to “supporting terrorism.” It has now been over 60 days of incarceration for Ryan and the two South Africans without any written charges and an investigation that is ongoing.

The northern part of the country has been dealing with jihadist insurgents for the past couple of years. To better understand the politics involved, Christianity Today wrote an excellent article about Ryan and the conflict in northern Mozambique that can be found here.

We ask that you fervently pray for the accusations to be dropped and for Ryan’s release from prison. 

Annabel and their two young sons have returned to MAF headquarters in Nampa, Idaho and are being cared for by family, their church family, and MAF staff. 

The prosecutor for Ryan’s case is out of the hospital from an undisclosed illness and has returned to work. This is important because Ryan’s attorney continues to press for a dismissal of the case, or at the very least, bail for Ryan.

An official from the U.S. Embassy is visiting Ryan on January 6. Currently, only Ryan’s attorney can visit him, with limited visits by embassy officials. Embassy officials believe that Ryan is innocent of any charges and his release is a priority for them.

Rolland Trempert, country director for Ambassador Aviation Ltd. (as MAF is known in Mozambique), was in the capital city of Maputo and had separate meetings with Ryan’s attorney and U.S. Embassy officials. He learned important details about the process and the case. He did attempt to visit Ryan, which he was not able to do since Ryan is still in the high security section of the prison. Rolland was able to meet with the director of the prison and they had a cordial visit.

If you want to send an email to uplift Annabel you can reach her at While she may not be able to respond to all emails, she will be encouraged by your support.

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