‘Twas five years in country, God’s work in my heart
Had been quite a journey for me from the start
From selling our home and then moving away
To starting a walk of dependence that day

My husband and I had done missions before
But now, yet again, we would walk through that door
Of moving and fundraising, sharing with people
These introverts stretched, but God again faithful

When funds were all raised, we were given the go
We packed up our crates, suitcases in tow
Welcomed with heat and a language unknown
Again all was different, we had to be shown

Debbie with her daughter, Sarah. Photos by Debbie Klynstra.

Year one was spent trying to learn the new ways
While being the object of everyone’s gaze
New driving, new food, and a new way to live
Homesick and tired, we gave all we could give

We learned all we could, then the time came to move
Packing, good-byes, we were now in the groove
Arriving and greetings, for the kids a new school
My husband was glad to be using his tools

Riding the currents of overseas living
We’re grateful to those who are faithful in giving
So we can be Jesus’ hands, and His feet,
Trusting in Him with each challenge we meet


This Christmas again is a great time to think
That God gave us Jesus to be our True link
Now we have a way to our heavenly Father
We belong to His family, and it’s like no other

Be it serving in big ways, or sometimes in small,
Be it seen or in secret, we can give Him our all
So whether you live in your hometown or here,
The goal is His glory all times of the year!


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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