A Family Legacy

WDRC-Africa-MAF-Cessna-Caravan-9Q-CMO-JulyA few hundred people waited at the dirt and grass airstrip at Ipope in western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). They crowd had walked 45 minutes from their village, Mbongo, knowing that some special passengers would be arriving on MAF’s Cessna Caravan 9Q-CMO.

The singing started before CMO’s engines shut down. Then the passengers disembarked:  a brother and sister, the grandchildren of the missionary who first shared the Gospel in this village almost 100 years ago. They came to continue the family legacy, to share Christ’s love, disciple, and encourage believers.

The group, which included other family members and a few friends, came for a four-day trip to minister to the hearts of the people. They jammed a lot into those four days, including Christian movies at night, soccer games, church services and seminars. An older man who was one of the first believers to be discipled by the grandfather travelled five days to take part in the festivities.

One evening, the family showed the “JESUS” film in the villagers’ native tongue for the first time. On another night, the movie “Courageous” was shown, in French, while a local pastor translated it into the Congolese language Lingala. The missionaries and MAF staff hope the men of the village were challenged by the film to be Godly fathers, husbands and community leaders.

By adopting 9Q-CMO, you play a part in the work these missionaries are doing to reach remote villages like this with Christ’s love. Because of you, they can care for these people and bring renewed hope and life to the area.

Please continue to pray for the pilots and passengers of 9Q-CMO, and the people they are sharing Christ with in the DRC. Thank you!


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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