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A New Brother in Haiti

“You’ll be staying with JeanJean and Kristie Mompremier…” we were told when our family first arrived in Haiti in 2006. We were sent to Pignon in the Central Plateau for six weeks of language study. It was an amazing experience, an awesome introduction to ministering in a country engaged in deep spiritual warfare. MAF has partnered with the Mompremiers’ ministry, United Christians International, for several years, but even more important than the occasional passengers or cargo we carry for them, are the relationships that have grown out of serving alongside one another. We have seen firsthand how God is working miracles in people’s lives. Most recently is the story of Nelson (shared with us via email from Kristie, used with permission):

This past Saturday (Sept. 1), God, in His sovereignty and His power, accepted another lost sheep into His arms. Nelson Presume, 27-year old witchdoctor, publicly prayed to accept Jesus as His Savior and renounced his position in vodou. Praise the Lord!

Witch Doctor Nelson vodou paraphernalia
Collecting all of Nelson’s vodou paraphernalia.

His story actually starts 8 months ago. JeanJean and Dabou, with two missionaries from the U.S. went on a prayer walk in the community of Terre Glissee. JeanJean had heard about this young man that was a witchdoctor in this community. After talking with Nelson, they left a Kreyol Bible with him and promised to pray. Two months ago, we started a nutrition center and prayer service in Terree Glissee and had much more contact with Nelson. A couple days ago, Nelson opened his Bible to the book of Galatians. He told us that his eyes

Witch Doctor Nelson
Nelson, laughing, turns and walks away from his fetishes as they burn.

fell on Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” That verse spoke mightily to him. He immediately called Dabou and asked for him and JeanJean to come to his house. The phone call came at 2:00 AM on Saturday! Early that day, Dabou, JeanJean, Saul and Lanyo (of the UCI Haiti board) and other church leaders went to talk to Nelson. They found a man who was tired of the lie that he was living in vodou. He told them that he wanted what Christ had to

Witch Doctor Nelson accepts Christ
Nelson (left) as he publicly renounces his role as witchdoctor and asks Jesus to forgive him.

offer and asked if Christ would accept him, a man who had done many awful things in his life. JeanJean and the other men spent hours with Nelson telling him about Christ’s love and sacrifice and His promises. Nelson was determined to burn the remnants of his past life. It took two wheelbarrows to haul everything out of his ‘house of magic.’Yesterday (Sept. 2), the churches of Maranatha of Bohoc and the Worship Center of Caiman celebrated together by holding a prayer and praise service at Nelson’s house. It was a wonderful 90 minutes of singing, praying, and praising. He was at our house again this morning (Sept. 3) to be discipled by JeanJean on how to walk with Christ. Please rejoice with us for this new brother!”

As God continues to draw hearts and lives to Himself in Haiti, we are humbled that He chooses to use our family to minister here. Please join us in prayer for Nelson and his family, our friends at UCI, and the other warriors fighting for the souls of Haiti for the glory of God!

You can learn more about the Mompremiers’ ministry at


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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