After the RSVP

You’ve been invited.  Your RSVP is in the mail.  You have accepted Jesus’ invitation to His feast and you are on mission with God.

At Urbana, together we have dug into Scripture, seen Jesus’ power in the Gospel, worshipped Jesus who is worthy of our trust, our ambitions and our attention, and been challenged to respond to Jesus’ invitation.  We have been touched and inspired by both the world’s great needs and the sacrifice and passion of those who are on misson with God.

When my husband Dave felt God’s call to serve in missions, he responded willingly.   But he thought God would need to change him into someone who loved to study, learn languages and preach.  Dave’s skills and talents and interests were nearly the opposite of those!  He was mechanically gifted, and technically inclined.

Sometime later, Dave heard about MAF and how they serve isolated and unreached people through aviation and technology.  It seemed such a perfect fit!  God intended to use the skills and talents He had given Dave, not to change who he was.  Dave still had to take the steps to become a pilot and mechanic, and meet the requirements for MAF, but God opened each door along the journey.

Your experience at Urbana12 has given you a glimpse of the many ways God uses those who respond to His invitation.  Now, what is next for you?

Prayerfully Review & Assess – this is God’s invitation, His mission.  Don’t leave Him out of it! “Lord, I want to be like Peter, what do I need to do to fish for people?”  Make a note of particular Scripture, testimonies, seminars that God made alive and stirred your heart.  Take time to be still and listen.

Consider where you are – what are your skills, joys and interests?  Did they mesh with needs and opportunities or ministries you learned about?  What can you do today and tomorrow to be part of God’s mission in the short term, while preparing for the long term?

Look for a mentor/advisor – Seek and pray for someone in your life who you can talk to about God’s call on your life, who will walk and pray with and for you as you entrust Jesus with your dreams and plans.

Keep at it – if you are in school, continue on.  But, be on the alert for open doors.  If you sense a change in direction, investigate it.

Connect – ifyou are feeling called to a particular ministry, email or call the organization and talk to a mobilizer or recruiter.  Ask specific questions about what training or next steps would look like for you. Stay informed and in touch by following them via social media, reading staff blogs, emails, newsletters.

Watch and pray –Stay connected with God, give Him your affection, your ambitions, and your trust and see what He will do.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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