April 14 – 20, 2014

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” — Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Priorities for Prayer

  • Monday, April 14
    MAF operates a hospital guest house in Tarakan, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pray for wisdom for those in charge of the ministry, and pray that those who stay there will be blessed and draw closer to God.
  • Tuesday, April 15
    Please pray for the many people in Brazil who have lost their homes in recent flooding, and lift up the Asas de Socorro (ADS) team providing relief flights. ADS is the MAF affiliate organization in Brazil.
  • Wednesday, April 16
    Please lift up Peter and Joy Neal and their young son, who recently began serving with MAF in Kalimantan, Indonesia, where Peter is a pilot/mechanic. Learn more about their ministry at www.maf.org/neal.
  • Thursday, April 17
    The MozMed flying doctor program is seeking doctors and dentists! Please pray that the Lord will bring the right people to fill these critical positions. For more information click here.
  • Friday, April 18
    Please pray for Phil and Kris Nelson, serving at MAF headquarters in Idaho after spending some 20 years overseas. Phil is an aviation maintenance instructor. You can read more about the Nelsons at www.maf.org/nelson.
  • Saturday, April 19
    MAF is raising funds for a KODIAK airplane to serve in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Some $405,000 is still needed. Ask the Lord to touch the hearts of those He would have give.
  • Sunday, April 20
    Pray for MAF missionary kids who are graduating from high school and wondering what the future may hold. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and guide their paths.
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Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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