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Open Gate, Open Heart

Do no neglect to show hospitality to strangers…” Hebrews 13:2 I’m a missionary and I struggle with hospitality. There, I said it. Hospitality does not

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Giving Christmas

Tears stream down her cheeks. Mine fill up as I am humbled by the simplicity of it all. I’ve just handed my helper a basket

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A Light in the Dark

It’s “mati lampu” again—which means the power is out … again. (Can you hear the collective sigh from every home in our neighborhood?) We’ve been

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Walk with Me

My mind has been far too busy lately. There is much change to process. Many challenges and trials to face. More decisions to be made.

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We Got What We Ordered

Life is never boring here. We never go long without some new, and oftentimes, uncomfortable experience. You know the kind that I’m talking about: the

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