A friend recently wrote to us commenting about the high level of corruption here and the things that have happened to our family and friends. She keeps up with our blog and knows about the challenges we deal with on a daily basis. She wanted to know if I ever find myself becoming bitter and how I combat bitterness.

Preventing bitterness and anger from creeping in is also easier when I remember that the sins of those who mistreat me or others around me are no less responsible for sending Christ to the cross than my own sins. We all need forgiveness.

The problems and needs here are so great that sometimes we feel as though we are throwing cups of water at a forest fire. We feel helpless, even angry at times. But when we are spent and empty, God is there to fill us with his love, mercy and grace if we just turn to Him instead of relying on our own strength. It is not human nature to love someone who oppresses or exploits others, but God enables us if we but let Him. If we are continually letting Him fill us, we can choose to become better instead of bitter.