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Category: Continent

Mining for Mines

Landmines are usually something one would try to avoid. But recently I met people who look for them on purpose! They are often on their

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Stopping at Nothing

You are helping MAF support years-long Bible translation efforts in the Congo In March 2016, MAF airplanes landed at the Todro airstrip, bringing translators, church

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Rest / Unrest

The security situation where we live degraded last week, here in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s all “part of doing business” for overseas missionaries,

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A Deeper Understanding

When studying a particularly challenging passage of Scripture, have you ever looked it up in multiple versions to help you understand? What a privilege it

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Patience Makes a Difference

How MAF helped save a young girl’s life For Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot Kevin Borror, patience isn’t just a virtue––it’s a decision that forever changed

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A Long Way from Jerusalem

How MAF, the Lesotho Flying Pastors, and you are sharing the Gospel in the mountains of Lesotho Matthew Monson, a pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship,

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