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Category: Ecuador

Faith Grows in the Jungle

How God is using MAF Ecuador to transform lives in the Amazon   Story by Jennifer WolfUnless otherwise noted: Photos by Lemuel Malabuyo Sixto Quiñonez called

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In the Amazon jungle

Story by Jennifer WolfPhotos by Lemuel Malabuyo This is the third in a series of stories about my visit to MAF Ecuador’s program in early

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No Grumbling Here

By Jennifer Wolf This is the second in a series of personal reflections from a field resourcing trip to Ecuador. If you missed my “Eyes

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Finding Community

By Maddison Souza, an MAF missionary serving with Alas de Socorro del Ecuador (ADSE – an MAF affiliate) in Shell, Ecuador.    Something that we

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Eternal Significance

Decades of service left a lasting impact for one MAF pilot and the people he flew By Gene Jordan   My parents went to Ecuador

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The Water Truck

Early morning, barely light, a high, electronic, belly-dancer tune woke us. Audible first only to street dogs, then faintly for humans, it soon became distinct.

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