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Category: Indonesia

Lives Made New

Wano evangelist Liku takes the good news of Jesus to Puluk By Natalie Holsten In many ways, Liku lives the life of a typical Wano

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The Heart of MAF

MAF helps bring discipleship ministry to remote community   By Natalie Holsten As the tropical sun beat down on the village of Long Pujungan, young

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MAF KODIAK PK-MEA is very busy serving the people of Papua, Indonesia. Looking back at one of the MAF pilots’ flight logs shows a variety

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  Your adopted airplane, the Cessna 185 floatplane, PK-MCB or “Charlie Brown,” has not been doing anything particularly glamorous lately, but what he has been

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To Every Tribe

How your partnership is introducing a remote, primitive tribe to Jesus                                              When Petrus Giay, an Indonesian missionary, finally found the Weserau tribe deep in the

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A Faithful Doctor

By Linda Ringenberg Linda is an MAF missionary serving in Papua, Indonesia, who had the chance to fly with her husband, Dave, to visit the

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Come Fly With Us

Experience one of the most remote villages MAF serves in Kalimantan, Indonesia   There’s an extra seat on a flight to the village of Long

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Isolation Remains

An MAF writer visits remote villages by airplane and boat, and gains a renewed appreciation for the ministry.   By Natalie Holsten This summer I

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