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Category: Medical

Tyler Schmidt holding baby Tyler Semidt

A Surprising Namesake

The honor of serving mothers in need through MAF Story by Tyler Schmidt, an MAF pilot serving in Kalimantan, Indonesia. After landing in Malinau, one

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Two women holding orphaned children

28 Pounds

Coming together to care for two young orphans     The last two months of operational flying have been a bit of a blur –

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Hope has a Name

Because of the generosity of people like you, MAF flew just over 3,600 medical flights last year. Whether it is delivering medicine, doctors, supplies, or

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Mother for Mother Trade

Here in Lesotho, my mom is visiting and she’s spending the morning flying with me, something we’ve only had a handful of opportunities to do

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9-1-1 Kikongo

Missionary Physician Assistant Katherine Niles, with American Baptist International Ministries, serves as the coordinator for the Baptist health/medical work in western Democratic Republic of the

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Crocodile Ambush!

Story by Brian Marx, an MAF pilot in Papua, Indonesia One hundred miles east of us is an immense jungle area known as the Mamberamo.

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Liquid Time

One afternoon I flew slow circles inside Ecuador’s Amazon jungle clouds. Not completely gray, I’d pop in and out of bright sunshine pockets above or

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Ever-present Suffering

One of the hardest things to reconcile while living overseas in a developing country is the ever-present reality of suffering. One of the reasons we

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