December 17 – December 23, 2018

Give glory to God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God.
-Luke 2:14 (NCV)

Monday, December 17
Lord God, we join Your army of angels over Bethlehem in praising Your holy name. You are the Almighty One who saves. We are so grateful to You for sending Jesus, the Christ, to bring peace among Your people and between You and us! We love You!

Tuesday, December 18
Give thanks that the MAF Tanzania team has introduced and distributed Wifi Bibles in Arusha. May many people be reached with this tool during Christmas time.

Wednesday, December 19
Pray for MAF South Sudan and that the expected arrival of a second Cessna 182 aircraft will happen soon.

Thursday, December 20
Lift up Dan and Tracey Whitehead, who served with MAF in Nicaragua. Venezuela, and Ecuador. In these locations, Dan was a pilot/mechanic, program manager, regional director of Latin America, and worked to help the MAF national affiliate, Alas de Socorro del Ecuador (ADSE) to transition operations. Now the Whiteheads have moved to Nampa, Idaho, where Dan is the vice president of MAF Operations, leading all the field programs. Pray for God’s wise direction and joy in serving.

Friday, December 21
Praise God for all our wonderful national staff who work hard to keep things running smoothly. Pray that the Lord meets all their needs according to His lovingkindness for them. Pictured is Valter, who I just met in Nampula, Mozambique.

Saturday, December 22
Lift up Larry and Linda Whiting, who have served with MAF for over 30 years, mostly in Indonesia. Larry was a pilot/mechanic in Kalimantan and flew floatplanes onto the jungle rivers in the heart of Borneo. I (Linda) was Larry’s flight follower and we raised our four children there. Now, Larry is an MAF maintenance specialist and prepares aircraft for field service. I am the donor relations coordinator and also get to write this Prayer Connection every week. Pray that our lives will bring glory to God and that His words would be on our lips.

Sunday, December 23
Due to current unrest in Mongolia, there are significant problems for expatriates who need to renew their work permits. Please pray specifically that Roy, the MAF pilot there, will be able to get his work permit renewed before the end of the year. Otherwise, he will be forced to leave the country.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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