December 25 – December 31, 2017

Wise men still seek Him!
~Linda Whiting

“I have come as light into the world so that whoever believes in me would not stay in darkness.
John 12:46 (NCV)


    • Monday, Dec. 25

      “Prepare our hearts, O LORD, to receive Your light. Thank You for coming to live among us as the Light of the world. We celebrate You, dear Jesus, on this Christmas day.”

    • Tuesday, Dec. 26

      “Pray for MAF families around the world, celebrating Christmas away from their relatives and outside their home culture. May their joy, regardless of circumstances, bring a godly influence of hope to their communities and to their children.”

    • Wednesday, Dec. 27

      “The MAF team in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia, recently distributed Christmas gifts at the local hospital. Pray for the people who will be in hospital over Christmas and give thanks for the local staff who arranged this kindness to encourage those hurting and away from home.”

    • Thursday, Dec. 28

      “Lift up Dave and Hilda Fyock as they settle into their new positions with MAF International in Ashford, Kent, UK, and as their sons remain in the USA. The Fyocks have served with MAF-US for 25 years in Albania, Costa Rica, and most recently as VP of Operations (Dave) and Manager of Corporate Training (Hilda). Dave has just begun a new adventure as the CEO of MAF International.”

    • Friday, Dec. 29

      “Pray for Maasai evangelists from North Maasai land in Tanzania, trying to reach new villages and people in South Maasai land. (Pictured is a portrait of a Tanzanian woman.)”

    • Saturday, Dec. 30

      “Lift up Joel and Christy Geaslen, a pilot/mechanic family—heading for Kalimantan, Indonesia. Please pray for them as they travel, raise their financial support, and pull together some faithful prayer warriors for their prayer team.”

Sunday, Dec. 31

“The MAF team in Lesotho is experiencing a large staff transition, with two key team members transitioning off the field and another leaving the field at the end of the year. Also, Kimberly Baker, their finance manager, passed away unexpectedly this year. Pray for them in the midst of these changes.”


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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