December 31 – January 6, 2019

The sweet smell of perfume and oils is pleasant,
and so is good advice from a friend.
-Proverbs 27:9 (NCV)

Monday, December 31
Almighty God, You make our lives sweet with Your life and with good friends. Help us to receive their wise advice and take it to heart.

Tuesday, January 1
Just before Christmas, the Nyankunde hospital in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) confirmed one Ebola case. As a precautionary measure, MAF has temporarily evacuated families out of Nyankunde to Uganda. Please be in prayer about this epidemic—the people infected and their families, the medical workers, and the MAF team on the ground as they continue to help.

Wednesday, January 2
Pray for the successful upgrade of avionics for MAF’s Grand Caravan aircraft, PK-MAE, this month in Papua, Indonesia. Pray for a successful and efficient installation process.

Thursday, January 3
Lift up Mark and Glee Williams, who served over 20 years with MAF in Haiti and now use their field experience in MAF’s Mobilization department. They enjoy representing MAF in the south central United States at colleges, churches, missions conferences, and airshows. They help recruit and inspire the next generation of missionary pilots, mechanics, teachers, and technology professionals.

Friday, January 4
Ask God to make a way for MAF staff to distribute the Word of God in the DRC. It is very difficult to find printed Bibles in the DRC, but many people have cell phones or tablets. The hunger for the Bible is there. We pray that God will show us the best way for the Congolese to engage with Scripture.

Saturday, January 5
Pray for Ron and Ros Wismer, who serve from MAF’s home office in Nampa, Idaho. They bring many years of experience to the operations management team, and Ron works as a field adviser for ministry initiatives, especially in Africa. They are currently in eastern DRC and appreciate your prayers for safe travels.

Sunday, January 6
The MAF mailing expressing thanks to our donors should be arriving in homes around now. Pray that the appreciation letter will be well received. Please know that we appreciate each of you for all your faithful prayers as well!


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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