DRC Malaria and Ebola Outbreaks Slowing

MAF delivers medical supplies to combat a malaria epidemic
MAF delivers medical supplies to combat a malaria epidemic. Photo by Jon Cadd.

Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo — MAF staff working in the northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo report a slowing of the malaria epidemic that has killed scores of people this year.

At its worst, during June, Nebobongo Christian Hospital logged five malaria-related deaths per day in its pediatric wards. Last month, the medical director reported that deaths had decreased to two or three per week with aggressive medical intervention.

Likewise, an Ebola outbreak discovered in the Isiro area in August appears to be slowing. An October 26 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) noted 52 cases of Ebola to date (35 laboratory confirmed, 17 probable) with 25 fatalities.

MAF has provided flight support to the WHO, Doctors Without Borders, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other medical organizations in their efforts to contain the illnesses. MAF has transported medicines, medical supplies, doctors and other personnel to remote areas where the viruses have been so deadly.

How you can pray:

  • Pray that experts might yet be able to identify what has caused this year’s increased malaria rates and why it has become so deadly.
  • Pray for flight safety for the MAF pilots as they deliver critically needed medicines.
  • Pray that the red-and-white MAF planes will be a tangible reminder of God’s love.
  • Pray for comfort for hundreds of families who have lost children and other loved ones.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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