Missionary newsletters often highlight just that… the highlights. We want to let people at home know how the Lord is working in great ways on the mission field – and rightly so!
However, as a missionary wife, the majority of my time is not spent in thrilling ministry. I am not a pilot or a mechanic; I don’t schedule our flights or manage our program. Most of the time, I can be found driving my son to school, hanging out the laundry, or playing a rousing game of Uno!

After almost a year of living in Haiti, I now realize that I should not discount small acts of service, done in Jesus’ name. Taking a meal to a sick teammate. Giving a glass of cold water to a boy at my gate. Babysitting a friend’s children so that she can attend her mission’s board meetings. Discipling my young sons. While these little acts of love may not be newsletter-worthy, they can still bring glory to God.
The Lord confirmed this thought for me recently as I was reading Psalm 148. The psalmist commands all of creation to praise the Lord – including the sun, moon and stars; the mountains and hills; and all sorts of precipitation! The author of my devotional book (Abide, by Macrina Wiederkehr) pointed out that if these natural elements can praise the Lord, then perhaps “All things praise God by simply being themselves.”
This was a wonderful thought to me! I don’t need to live on a mountaintop to bring glory to God; I can praise and glorify Him just by being who He created me to be. In this season of life, that means being a loving missionary wife, mother, teammate and friend.
Prayer cards and letters are sent by MAF missionary families to keep their supporters informed about their work in the field. To read the prayer letters posted by the Schandorff family visit: www.maf.org/Schandorff. To read the prayers letters composed by any MAF missionary family visit: www.maf.org/about/missionaries and select the family that you would like to learn more about.