Hungry for the Word

 Literacy class to teach the Mwinika to read and write their own language. Photo from
Literacy class to teach the Mwinika to read and write their own language. Photo from

In the African country of Mozambique, MAF supports a number of missionaries working on literacy and translation projects. One such couple with New Tribes Mission, Francois and Nadia Hattingh, is working among the Mwinika people. Some of the people that Francois has been meeting with and discipling are really moving forward quickly. They are hungry for the Word and anxious to learn more. Francois and Nadia have their hands full as they are starting their next literacy class and preparing for an outreach in their village. Nadia has some health issues that require a diet that is not available in the village where they live. In the fall MAF was privileged to make a supply flight for them that included dietary items for Nadia.

Francois says, “Once again, I want to thank you for bailing us out here. We were out of supplies and would have had to go to Nampula or Quelimane soon.” [A whole day’s drive each direction] Through your ministry we can stick out the rest of our year and see the discipling of Bible teachers, the teaching of new believers and the current literacy classes through to the end of Phase 2”.

Without these supplies, the family could not live and work among the Mwinika people, where the Gospel is starting to take root and produce amazing growth. Thank you for enabling MAF to be there for these faithful servants, who are working diligently to train up the next generation of Christian believers and make the Word of God come alive to those who have never heard. Click on the graphic below to watch the video and read the 2012 Impact Report.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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