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I bought a ticket for Haiti the day before the earthquake

When David and Christine Harms were assigned to serve in Haiti with MAF, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Always challenging, Haiti can test the resolve of most missionaries, even on her best days. Then the earthquake happened.

“We bought our airline tickets the day before the earthquake,” David said. “It really threw us into the fire.”

MAF Pilot David Harms serving in HaitiThe Harms spent their first four months in Haiti in Pignon for language school—but there was plenty of ministry taking place there, too. Despite being located in the interior of Haiti, Pignon became a haven for refugees seeking food and shelter.

Then it was on to Port-au-Prince to help with the continued disaster cleanup and relief support.

“I like being able to help other organizations—and help them do what they do faster and more efficiently,” said David, who merged his passions for missions and flying together with MAF. “Most days, it’s a pretty satisfying job.”

What’s also been satisfying for David has been the way he has stretched and grown in his faith since starting his four-year term in Haiti in March 2010.

“I think one thing that has been reiterated in my life through being here has been that our plans aren’t always the same as God’s plan for our lives,” David said. “Haiti wasn’t high on my list of places to come. But you know you can always trust God—He knows better than we do. And our time here has proven that to me over and over again.”


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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