It Takes A Village – Part 2

Continued from an earlier post

Working on the Lebakeng airstrip. Photo by Matt Monson.
Working on the Lebakeng airstrip. Photo by Matt Monson.
Despite our best efforts to alert government entities, healthcare workers, and the villagers about the possible airstrip closure if someone didn’t take ownership and fix it, nothing had been done—that is, until now.

On April 24, 80 community members, several clinicians, and ten MAF staff (about half of our team) met together in Lebakeng to make the needed repairs to the airstrip. The community recognized the need and the benefit and invited us to help them, not the other way round. The cost? Two flights and enough food to feed everyone. A small price to pay when you consider the number of lives that will be saved by keeping this airstrip operational. We worked shoulder to shoulder fixing the airstrip and making enough food for the crowd.

After the work was done and everyone was fed, we presented the Gospel and gave out audio and hard copies of Bibles in the Sesotho language—one for each village represented. Over 20 were given out that day and more were needed! We believe some there were hearing the Good News for the first time!

Hearing the Good News in Lebakeng. Photo by Matt Monson.
Hearing the Good News in Lebakeng. Photo by Matt Monson.
We praise the Lord for this partnership and pray that news will spread to other communities in similar circumstances. We are thrilled for this opportunity to partner with the Basotho—to work side by side and to hopefully give them a sense of purpose and ownership of this lifeline for their community. And it gives us the chance to share the love of Jesus in the most practical of ways. To give our time, two flights, and a meal in exchange for lives saved… lives that will have more time on this earth to hear about Christ. This is what our ministry in Lesotho is all about!


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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