July 18 – July 24, 2016

He need not fear a bad report, for his heart is unshaken, since he trusts in the Lord.
—Psalm 112: 7 (ISV)


Priorities for Prayer

MONDAY, July 18

Amidst difficult world events and plenty of bad news, praise God we are not shaken as we put our trust completely in Him.

TUESDAY, July 19

Pray for God’s protection from harm for all MAF staff worldwide.


Praise God that a new plot of land has been assigned by the Liberian Airport Authority for the MAF Liberia hangar building in Monrovia. Please pray for good progress in the next documentation and signature process.


Please lift up Roger and Mary Kay Kolb who are short-term MAF missionaries serving in Papua, Indonesia. Roger assists with avionics and IT, and Mary Kay teaches missionary children with special learning needs. Pray for Roger’s foot to completely heal. Follow this link or click on their names to learn more about their ministry.

FRIDAY, July 22

Praise God that nobody was injured in the shed fire at Rumginae base in Papua New Guinea. Pray for rebuilding process and the replacement of destroyed items, as well as investigation into the cause of the fire.


Pray for Brock and Lisa Larson who recently finished language school in Java and moved to Sentani, Papua, to begin serving as a pilot family. Also pray for them as they prepare to send off another child to college. They will be traveling to the US in late July or early August.

SUNDAY, July 24

Pray for new MAF missionaries going through orientation classes in Nampa this week. May their training equip them well for overseas service.

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Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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