MAF Offers Oral Learning Workshop in Boise August 16 – 20

NAMPA, Idaho – Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), a global ministry organization based in Nampa, is offering a workshop on presenting the Gospel using story telling. The training will be held August 16 – 20 at MAF’s facility in Nampa.  Three-day and five-day sessions are available.

“Jesus told stories. Seventy-five percent of the Bible is in story form,” said Regina Manley, MAF Oral Communications Specialist and certified Simply the Story (STS) senior instructor.  “Stories reach the heart! Workshop participants will learn how to use Bible stories to engage their listeners and present the Gospel more effectively.”

According to Manley, some 80 percent of the world’s population either do not read, or prefer not to learn using written methods of communication. The workshop presents ways to effectively connect with these oral learners.

Those who attend the three-day session, held evenings & Saturday, will become certified STS Practitioners. Participants in the five-day “Leadership Workshop” will have additional opportunities to practice and develop their skills, and will obtain STS Provisional Instructor certification.

“The workshop is very useful for anyone who wants to find new ways to share God’s Word, be that on the mission field or with media-savvy teenagers in the U.S.” said Manley. “Some have found this brings family devotions alive. Others use STS to plant churches and train leaders, while others have become STS trainers themselves, multiplying their effectiveness.”

Workshop participants will learn to …

  • Lead interactive, inductive Bible studies
  • Tell fascinating, accurate Bible stories without using written materials
  • Teach using interactive discussion
  • Design questions that help listeners discover spiritual truths and personal applications.

Manley has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of oral learning. She has presented oral strategies workshops in Brazil, India, Colombia, Lesotho, Thailand, Guatemala, and northern Africa. Manley also served 17 years as an MAF missionary in Ecuador.

The three-day session costs $30, and the five-day session costs $80.  The fees cover materials as well as meals and snacks during the all-day sessions. For more information or to register, visit  If you have questions, please contact Regina Manley at 208-498-0781 or


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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