March 5 – March 11, 2018

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121: 2

Monday, March 5 Thank You, dear Heavenly Father, for being reliable, trustworthy, and the One we can always turn to in times of trouble. You made us and we belong to You!

Tuesday, March 6Please pray for Papua New Guinea following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake in PNG last week. MAF survey flights identified many new landslides, some blocked roads, and damaged buildings.

Wednesday, March 7Pray for AGAPE, the MAF affiliate in Guatemala, as they try to sell two Cessna 185 aircraft to cover some of their ministry costs.

Thursday, March 8Lift up David and Natalie Holsten, a pilot/mechanic family serving in Indonesia since 2000. David has been chosen to be MAF’s next president-CEO! Pray for the whole Holsten family as they say goodbye to Papua and move to Nampa, Idaho, this summer. David will be handing over his current position as the regional director of Indonesia to Brock Larson.

Friday, March 9There will be numerous Bible translation dedications in Suriname in the near future. Please pray for all the logistics and flights needed to make these happen.

Saturday, March 10Lift up Steve and Judy Holz, a pilot/mechanic family serving MAF for many years in Africa, but currently at MAF headquarters in Idaho. Steve maintains the three Cessna 206 training aircraft, trains maintenance interns, answers questions from staff on the field, and oversees special aircraft projects for worldwide programs.

Sunday, March 11Pray for the Malagasy people as there is heavy rain in Madagascar, resulting in floods and landslides.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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