May 28 – June 3, 2018

God’s plan is to make you holy, and that entails first of all a clean cut with sexual immorality.
-1 Thessalonians 4:3 (PHILLIPS)

Monday, May 28
Thank You, Lord God, that Your will for us is to be set apart for pure and holy living. Help us to shrink from all sexual vices and shun all immorality. We welcome Your process of making us more like Christ Jesus, the Lion of Judah.

Tuesday, May 29
The Democratic Republic of theCongo (DRC) is a high-risk country for the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and MAF has been involved in each response to these outbreaks. Pray that God’s purposes would be accomplished as MAF reaches out with Christ’s love during this current response.

Wednesday, May 30
Pray for MAF missionary children who are traveling during this week. Pray also for families who are starting their summer furloughs, touching base with their churches, supporters, family, and friends.

Thursday, May 31
Lift up Dick and Mary Martin in prayer while they serve in Papua, Indonesia. Dick is the director of maintenance for the Indonesian region. Mary devotes her time to the care of their family, but also serves as the MAF representative to the Hillcrest School board. This year, their youngest son, Joel, and his high school classmates went to Pogapa to offer help in the form of HIV/AIDS training.

Friday, June 1
Pray for God’s protection over the Africa Tech team as they work in challenging locations to bring IT solutions and the Good News.

Saturday, June 2
Lift up Joey and Kathleen Martin, who have served with MAF since 2007. After eight years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they relocated to Lesotho in southern Africa. Joey is a pilot/mechanic and loves the work he does with the flying doctor program there. Kathleen enjoys homeschooling their children and hosting people regularly.

Sunday, June 3
Please pray fervently for MAF leadership and especially for the Holsten family as they transition from Indonesia to Idaho. David Holsten is the incoming president and CEO of MAF-US. We pray because “greater (mightier) is He who is in you than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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