Ministry Spotlight: Jeremy and Darlene Simkins

From Construction to the Cockpit: One Family’s Journey into Missions

Who switches from running a successful construction company to fixing airplanes for missionaries? Meet Jeremy and Darlene Simkins, a couple whose path to Mission Aviation Fellowship is as unique as their story.

The Simkins family.

Jeremy’s journey from California aircraft mechanic to Montana construction company owner for the past 20 years and now back to aviation reads like a divinely orchestrated flight plan. He and Darlene have successfully navigated life’s twists and turns along with their eight kids, faithfully following the Lord’s leading, regardless of the timing. “I just couldn’t ignore the call,” Jeremy admits. “The idea of combining aviation and mission work together just seemed like a natural way to use the gifts God has given me and the training I already had.”

Jeremy’s fascination with missionary aviation was initially sparked by Nate Saint’s story. In addition to being a pilot, Nate was an innovative mechanic who maintained and repaired the planes he flew. “If the airplanes can’t fly, they can’t reach the people and share the love of Christ.”

While Jeremy will work at MAF HQ to ensure mission aircraft are ready for service worldwide, Darlene will continue homeschooling their youngest five children and supporting their adult kids from afar. “I’m excited to be here!” Jeremy concludes.

Want to be part of this amazing journey? The Simkins aim to serve in Nampa by Fall 2025, but need faithful prayer warriors and financial partners to help them take flight. If you would like to partner with the Simkins family through MAF, please visit


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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