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Ministry Spotlight: Jeremy and Jodie Toews

Life on the mission field looks different than what Jeremy and Jodie Toews expected when they joined MAF nine years ago. As fresh missionaries in Tarakan, Indonesia, everything was new—culture, language, home, and rhythm of life.

At first, they experienced the tangible parts of the ministry—the medical evacuations, flights for pastors, and cargo deliveries to remote communities.

“It was so clear to see the ways God was using the airplane in North Kalimantan,” Jodie said.

Today, the Toews (pronounced “Taves”) see the broader scope of the ministry. With a better grasp of language and more time there, they have developed relationships with MAF’s frequent fliers and residents in interior communities. They are also immersed in some of the less tangible aspects of the ministry.

As program director, Jeremy works with government officials. And Jodie takes their four children to visit MAF’s hospital house every Thursday. They meet with patients from the interior of the country who stay there while they receive treatment.

“The weight of work is much heavier,” Jodie said, “But it is so rich and so fulfilling to see how God is working. It grows richer every year.”

The Toews are in an especially busy season, as Jeremy leads the program and serves as one of two pilots, and Jodie homeschools their children, manages logistics for MAF housing, and ministers to those around her. “The Lord gives strength for each day,” Jeremy said. “In the midst of everything going on, He gives us rest, peace, joy, and hope that is not contingent on our circumstances. That’s what is keeping us here and allowing us to thrive and truly enjoy this work in the midst of a lot of chaos.”

Encouragement from supporters also keeps them going. They have a handful of supporters who check in regularly with a simple text or email. “It may seem like a small thing, but it is incredibly meaningful for us,” Jodie said. “Even when we are surrounded by people and busy with MAF work, we can feel lonely. To hear from someone who says, ‘We care about you; we are praying for you,’ that has meant a lot. It’s so simple but has really blessed us.”

To partner with the Toews and share in what God is doing in North Kalimantan, visit

This story appeared in the January (Vol. 1) 2024 issue of FlightWatch. Read the entire issue here:


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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