Ministry Spotlight: Patrick and Sonya Just

Patrick Just spotted his then-future wife, Sonya, on his college roommate’s Facebook page. It was a picture of her in Nepal, during a mission trip. Now, 12 years later, Patrick and Sonya are married and combining their shared passion for missions by serving with MAF.

Sonya has always had an interest in living overseas, even before she was a believer.

“When I became a Christian, it was a natural fit for me to want to serve in missions overseas.”

Patrick learned to fly when he was in high school. He was inspired by the stories he had read about missionary pilots and always thought it an interesting calling—one the couple discussed from the beginning. But after they were married in 2009, life kept moving forward. Patrick finished a degree in economics and was working as a flight instructor, a charter pilot, and a crop duster.

The Just family.

Finally, as they sought the Lord for what He had planned for them, the couple began to prepare for MAF. Patrick went back to school for mechanic’s training. In the process, the Lord was fine-tuning their hearts and motivations.

“God has really worked on my heart over the last few years,” said Patrick. “It’s definitely a work of God, that my desire is to see Him glorified and His love poured out on others.”

As MAF pre-fielders getting ready to serve in Papua, Indonesia, the Lord has been teaching them a lot. They’ve been building their ministry partnership team and applying their family verse, Psalm 3:5-6.

“If we start to feel discouraged,” says Patrick, “that’s when we realize we’re trusting in our own strength!”

“It’s great that we’re learning that about ourselves, before we get to the field,” said Sonya.

There have been many benefits during this season, and as they’ve gone through MAF training together.

“It’s been good for us to feel things laid on our hearts, experiencing the same burdens for people,” said Patrick.

The couple plans to arrive on the field next spring. In the meantime, they’re enjoying the relationships that are developing with their new ministry partners, and they look forward to being settled in Indonesia and building deep relationships with teammates, neighbors, and the people they’ll serve through MAF.

Would you like to partner with the Just family to share Christ’s love in Papua through MAF? To find out more or to join their team, go to



Story ran in the November 2019 FlightWatch. Read the entire issue here:

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Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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