Missionary’s Kid or Missionary Kid?

As kids on the mission field we often think that God only calls adults, and the adults drag their kids with them. When we think we are only here because our parents were called, we end up seeing ourselves as a Missionary’s Kid instead of a Missionary Kid. Especially in a big city like Kinshasa, we start to wish we were somewhere else and don’t notice the opportunities for us to be missionaries in our own right. But that’s slowly starting to change for me as our high school youth leader has been challenging us this year to get out there and do something.

Earlier in the year our youth group went to the Salvation Army’s senior citizens’ home, and ever since I have felt called back. Now, as a Missionary Kid, I go there every Saturday to teach them new games and crafts. As the language barrier decreases, I hope they will be able to teach me a few things too.

lydiaFor our high school youth retreat recently, we decided to do something different. Instead of going to a river or to the caves like we normally do, we chartered an MAF plane and went to a small village called Kikongo for a weekend. We set up tents and camped behind one of the missionary houses. While we were there, we helped some of the villagers with their chores. Three of us went to shell peanuts, and two other girls went to haul water (which amused the other people hauling water greatly) while the guys cut down tall grass and trees with machetes. On Sunday we went to their French service where our group sang a song during offering—ours was just one of many songs sung by many different choirs! Monday we boarded the MAF plane again and went home.

I’m so glad God gave me the chance to serve at the senior citizens’ home and to go on that short weekend mission trip. As I take advantage of these opportunities I gain more understanding of how to live as a Missionary Kid instead of a Missionary’s Kid.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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