October 10 – October 16, 2016

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.
—Colossians 3:10 (NLT)


Priorities for Prayer

  • Monday, October 10

    Praise our Heavenly Father for the marvelous way He has provided for us to escape our sinful way of life. May we become more Christ-like with each new day.

  • Tuesday, October 11

    Pray for the people of Haiti in the aftermath of and for MAF Haiti staff as they wisely access and respond to the crisis. Remember to lift up the people of Cuba, the Bahamas, and USA’s east coast as well.

  • Wednesday, October 12

    Praise God that MAF was able to fly the Innovative Education Liberia (IEL) team from Monrovia to Sinoe, overcoming some rugged terrain and impassable roads due to flooding. This team included representatives from Northwest Nazarene University and Taylor University, and Ambassador Enterprises officials.

  • Thursday, October 13

    Pray for peace in South Sudan and for the MAF families who will be apart while some staff work in Juba over the next few weeks.

  • Friday, October 14

    Lift up Joey and Kathleen Martin, along with their three children, an MAF pilot/mechanic family serving Christ in the northeastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today they start their furlough time in Washington. Pray for good connections with their support team.

  • Saturday, October 15

    Pray continue to pray for the Haitian people as they rebuild their communities following the devastation of hurricane Matthew. Pray for the logistics of getting needed supplies and medevacing the injured.

  • Sunday, October 16

    Intercede for Brian and Heather Marx, along with their three children, who serve as an MAF pilot/mechanic family in Papua, Indonesia. Please pray for safety in flight operations as the MAF pilots in Papua face heavy flight demands and as they come into a rainy season with increasingly poor weather. Visit their page and read their latest newsletter to learn about the new church building in Pogapa.

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Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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