PK-MEA Delivers New Bibles

PK-MEA took part in a three-day celebration in December to dedicate the Hupla Bible. It was an exciting time for the village of Soba, located in the highlands of Papua, Indonesia. Hundreds came from surrounding areas to celebrate.

Over the course of the past year, PK-MEA and the MAF Papua fleet made over 60 flights into Soba, carrying 45 tons of cargo and over 230 passengers. Many of these flights were related to the Hupla Bible dedication.

Some of the cargo PK-MEA brought in for the event included 3000 Bibles, building materials to build a new hall and stage for the event, pigs and cooking supplies, sleeping mats, and lots of passengers, of course.

For the Hupla people, this event was a milestone and marked the end of a decades-long process of translating the entire Bible into their native language—only the third complete translation in Papua.

The celebration included dancing, the roasting of 275 pigs, the baptism of 26 people, and a ceremony that represented the Bible reaching all generations.

“Now, I’m feeling like I’ll be able to learn more deeply about God’s Word,” said Kenuel Sobolim, the son of one of the Papuan translators. “When I sit with my own people, we’ll be able to read it together.”

Getting ready for the event was a lot of work, but PK-MEA is so grateful to have experienced it. To see people so excited about receiving a Bible in their very own language is something PK-MEA will never forget.

Hupla Bible Dedication in Papua, Indonesia

By adopting KODIAK PK-MEA, you played a part in the long process of getting God’s Word into the hands of the Hupla people. Thank you! Your gifts and prayers are appreciated.

Please remember the Hupla people in your prayers, that they would continue to grow in the understanding of God’s Word and never lose their excitement for His book.



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