Reaching and Teaching Overseas

I have served as a teacher in public education for a number of years and have developed a certain perspective for what student excellence looks like. This year I am teaching middle school math at an international K-12 school providing a Christian education in Central Asia. My students embody a different level of excellence, as well as a spiritual component not generally found in public education.

Not only do these students take their education seriously, they value each person and are not too cool to demonstrate their appreciation.

Recently, one of our students was saying her last goodbye with everyone she has known and come to love—she was moving back to Korea. International students say a lot of goodbyes, so it is important to give them a chance to acknowledge their feelings.

We spent 45 minutes discussing the good times, the bad times, the rough times, and the formative times in their shared experience. We also prayed for her. To be honest, I have never heard such sweet and meaningful prayers.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, her classmates interceded for her and her family, that this transition may be short on heartache and quick to bring new and rich experiences for the Kingdom. Through all the tears, even by the boys, there was the sense that these kids understood the source for the hope that lies within them and the responsibility that hope brings. These kids are truly meant for amazing things.

As a teacher, I have often experienced moments of nearness to my students, but this was beyond comparison. The unique challenge of being part of this community (for the families who serve here and for ourselves) comes at a cost, but the reward outweighs the difficulties. I pray that from this we may all recall God’s sacrifice completed once for all and the shared responsibility we have in reaching others.


MAF has a number of overseas teaching positions waiting to be filled. To learn more about joining MAF as a teacher for missionary kids, visit


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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