September 10 – September 16, 2018

Love never hurts a neighbor, so loving is obeying all the law.
-Romans 13:10 (NCV)

Monday, September 10
Lord God, Your love for us is so wonderful! Help us to love our neighbors, coworkers, family members, and people we meet along the way with Your amazing and sacrificial love.

Tuesday, September 11
Staff shortages for a variety of reasons have hit the Indonesia programs hard recently. Please pray for our staff there—the veterans, the new arrivals, and the folks who are in the pipeline—that God’s grace and provision would be manifest in their lives so that they can give continued service to the ministry of MAF in Indonesia.

Wednesday, September 12
Please pray for the flying doctor project to keep running well in Mozambique.

Thursday, September 13
Lift up Dan and Sylvia Rogers, who have served with MAF in Suriname, Haiti, Honduras, Ecuador, and now at MAF headquarters in Nampa, Idaho. Dan served as a pilot /mechanic, but currently he assists in the MAF hangar fabrication shop and oversees volunteers who are making various tools for MAF programs around the world. Sylvia blesses many by using her gifts of hospitality, MAF front desk, child care, and worship music at their local church.

Friday, September 14
It’s a special day today for MAF. The board members officially inaugurate David Holsten as the new president and CEO of MAF-US. Pray for God’s grace and wisdom to fill David as he steps into this new responsibility. We thank God also for John Boyd and his 10 faithful years of service in this role.

Saturday, September 15
Lift up Isaac and Amber Rogers, a pilot/mechanic family serving in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Amber teaches grades 1-3 for the MAF missionary children who live on the island of Tarakan. Traffic is hazardous there and Isaac was involved in a motorcycle crash. Pray that Isaac’s broken pinkie finger will heal quickly so that he can resume flying.

Sunday, September 16
The Haiti program has a critical need for a maintenance specialist. Please be in prayer about this concern.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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