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September 11 – 17, 2017

The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad;
let the distant shores rejoice.

— Psalm 97:1


  • Monday, September 11

    Lord God, You are in charge and nothing is outside of Your control. We praise Your name and remind distant shores to celebrate who You are, even in the midst of storms.

  • Tuesday, September 12

    Pray for all who are affected by the destruction of Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Harvey, and all the wild fires in the western USA. May people be turned in new ways to God, trusting Him, and finding Him completely faithful.

  • Wednesday, September 13

    This week MAF board members gather for an important session to discuss the selection of the next CEO for MAF-US, among other things. Please pray for wisdom and for God’s distinct direction.

  • Thursday, September 14

    One week ago, Hurricane Irma sweep violently past Haiti. At the time of this writing (September 7), it is unknown the extent of the damage. Pray for the MAF Haiti team and the MAF Disaster Response team as they respond with compassion and urgency.

  • Friday, September 15

    Lift up John and Kathryn Boogaard, a pilot/mechanic family serving in Kalimantan, Indonesia with their four children. John recently flew a 6-month-old baby named Aldo from his village to get medical care. Aldo struggled to breathe normally. John was grateful for the clear weather so that he could fly at lower altitudes to help Aldo breath a little easier. Kathryn met Aldo and his parents at the hospital and helped them get settled in the MAF hospital guest house. The parents were grateful because being outside their jungle village was all new for them. Pray for Aldo’s recovery.

  • Saturday, September 16

    Lift up Kevin and Melisa Borror who have recently served with MAF in the land-locked nation of Lesotho, surrounded by the country of South Africa. Kevin was the behind-the-scenes program manager. Before that, the Borrors served 7 years in Ecuador as a pilot/mechanic family. In early 2018, they will join MAF’s Safety/Quality division in Nampa, Idaho. Pray for them as they transition from Lesotho to Idaho.

  • Sunday, September 17

    Give thanks for the new office space in the West DRC hangar in the Congo. Pray for the team as they prepare to move in.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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