New to the MAF Palangkaraya base in Kalimantan, pilot Aaron Hoffman just completed his first solo flight after the last few months of on-site training. That means he has now been released to fly by himself without another MAF pilot in the airplane. Here he is returning to the base.
After “parking” at the floating hangar, Aaron is greeted by his wife Katie and daughter Andrea.
Program Manager Sean Cannon (right) has just pinned on Aaron’s pilot bars and shakes hands. Note how Sean is leaning back on his heels. Also note the mischievous looks on Ogas and Abet’s faces, MAF staff in the background, as they get ready to strike.
With a little help from his friends, Aaron’s about to go into the river he just flew over.
And into the river he goes for the traditional MAF “dousing” after a pilot’s first solo flight. Usually it’s with large buckets of water, but there’s no need for that here. The river is much more effective!

On the family blog, Katie thanked their many supporters who helped them get to this point “after SEVERAL years of school, preparation, more school, acceptance by MAF, and moving overseas.” She says, “We look back at our lives and are amazed how so many things have prepared us to be here. One thing is that Aaron was able to get experience in a C-185 and a float plane rating even before we knew we would be here flying C-185’s on floats. Thank you for your prayers, support, and excitement as you share this journey with us.”
Congrats, Aaron!
Photos by Isaac Rogers.