Staying Connected

BibleIf you’ve read my other posts, you know I love technology: tools that make projects easier and quicker to complete, gadgets that help me keep in touch with family and friends, things that simply make life more “convenient.” These are a big blessing… when they work. This past year has been full of challenges: family and friends dealing with illness, uncertainty, struggles on the job and in relationships, life-changing decisions and heartbreaking circumstances. Thankfully, I’ve still felt connected to them by praying and studying scripture together via emails and phone calls. But one thing is consistent: I’m dependent on connections that are not always dependable. Batteries lose charge. Internet goes out. Computers freeze up. There’s no electricity for days. I start feeling disconnected. I have to be intentional (and sometimes creative) about keeping in touch.

When it comes to my spiritual life, I’ve found the same to be true. I like it when things are convenient. I enjoy a good church service where someone else leads the music and another person has done the studying and teaches me. I can listen to a sermon on my headphones while I’m doing other projects. I can attend a small group Bible study and hear what God has been teaching others. But, again, those connections are not always dependable. Traffic gets backed up and we’re late for services or don’t make it at all. Batteries lose charge (again). Our family gets sick. Circumstances become difficult. And I start to feel disconnected. I need to be personally connected to the one Source that doesn’t change. It takes conscious effort… I have to be intentional about spending time with the Father. Like with my family and friends, nothing can take the place of being face to face, experiencing that beautiful embrace that’s meant for just me.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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