The KODIAK in Papua: Pioneering Tomorrow

Over fifty years ago, MAF pilots delivered dedicated missionaries to unreached villages in Papua, Indonesia (formerly Dutch New Guinea and Irian Jaya). Deep in humid jungles, these pioneers of the Gospel encountered warring tribes of headhunters and cannibals. They faced danger at every turn, yet they pressed on with unshakeable faith. Lives were transformed as the Good News of Christ spread from village to village.

One of MAF’s earlier planes, a Pacer, at a remote airstrip in Papua, most likely late 1950s.
One of MAF’s earlier planes, a Pacer, at a remote airstrip in Papua, most likely late 1950s.
Today, MAF continues to support the growth of the church in this region. MAF’s dedication also lies in the stewardship of its resources. That’s why MAF is investing in the KODIAK to continue the work of spreading the Gospel in Papua.

Whether transporting building supplies, missionaries, Bibles, villagers, livestock, doctors or patients, the capability of the Kodiak is unsurpassed, especially when compared with the smaller Cessna aircraft in MAF’s fleet.

“The KODIAK flies higher, faster, farther, and carries more … and does it on jet fuel,” said MAF pilot, Tim Smith who serves in Papua. Jet fuel is much less expensive than the avgas (aviation gasoline) that the Cessna 206 burns.

Villagers greet the KODIAK in Pagamba, Papua, Indonesia (2012). Photo by Becky Fagerlie.
Villagers greet the KODIAK in Pagamba, Papua, Indonesia (2012). Photo by Becky Fagerlie.
From a resource standpoint, the KODIAK is invaluable. “It carries double the payload of a Cessna 206, allowing us to deliver a pound of payload, or a passenger, at less cost. With a KODIAK, one pilot can do twice as much work as with a C206,” said Dave Rask, Director of Aviation Resources, formerly an MAF pilot in Papua. “This helps us keep our rates affordable for those we serve, who are often the least able to pay what it really costs to provide such a service.”

MAF serves 217 remote airstrips in Papua, and the KODIAK can reach many of them quickly and efficiently. As MAF looks to the future and considers how it will advance God’s Kingdom in Papua, the KODIAK is the perfect tool to multiply MAF’s effectiveness.

The work ahead is great but God is greater. MAF will continue to build on the vision of the ones who have gone before and pioneer new ways to share Christ’s love with the world!

Find out how you can help send 2 new KODIAKs to Indonesia:


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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