Time Traveling in the Tropics

viewIt’s a sultry day in the tropics, and in the shadow of Mount Cyclops, palm trees wave over a collection of buildings perched on a hill. Inside one of the buildings, teenagers are transported away from their equatorial surroundings to 19th century London, where they follow the adventures of a young man named Pip as he experiences a reversal in fortune.

Where is this fantastic time-traveling experience taking place? My classroom at Hillcrest International School (HIS), where I am teaching the freshman and sophomore English classes this school year.

Hillcrest International School IndonesiaHere are a few things I am enjoying about teaching at HIS:

    1. My students are from eight different countries and so it’s a very culturally diverse group. I love learning about their home cultures and customs, and hearing their outlook on the world.

    2. There are a number of different missions and ministries represented by my students; their parents work as translators, church planters, nurses, doctors, pilots, mechanics, and teachers. There are also kids of local businessmen and politicians.

    3. My co-workers are so cool. Recently I sat in the teacher’s lounge for lunch and had the most enlightening conversation as we batted around ideas. The HIS teachers are committed to quality education and to supporting the work of missions by being here, serving in this remote place.

    4. The view can’t be beat.

    5. My older daughter is in one of my classes this year, and I love having a front-row seat to the drama of her school life. It’s been fun getting to know her classmates and seeing her thrive in a school she loves.

    6. I get to re-read some of my favorite books and force people to discuss them with me. Maybe “force” is a bit strong, but my goal is to help reluctant readers discover the wonder of savoring beautiful pieces of literature, to challenge their worldview, and to help them become better writers.

Does any of this appeal to you? MAF is always looking for dedicated teachers who would be willing to serve overseas. Visit http://www.maf.org/serve/overseas/teach to find out more.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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