Water From Rock

A team from France is assisting a remote Congolese village with its water system. I had the opportunity to learn more about the project when I picked them up after they spent one week assessing the needs.

Nick Frey with the team that worked on the installation
Nick Frey with the team that worked on the installation
The current system is a bit dated and in need of repair as it was installed in the 70s. What I found amazing is that the hydraulic water system requires no power—no solar panels, no wires, no generators. It just keeps ticking with a “click, clack” sort of noise. As water flows out of a hillside it is directed through piping to the pistons and check valves. These build up pressure and send the water back up pipes that reach the village some 300 meters higher. It beats going to fetch water every day with buckets!

Some of the people who will benefit from the project.
Some of the people who will benefit from the project.
As we flew over the countryside I explained my amazement about the whole process, but mostly the fact that water springs forth from the earth. Water gushing from the rock for the Israelites came to mind. What a God we serve, who even today brings water from rock! During the DRC’s dry season we may not see rain for four months and yet water still trickles out of these sources. God’s joy-springs are always there.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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