Isolation is a problem

There are people who, simply because of where they were born, will never have the chance at the same life many of us in the developed world enjoy. A life where their children can go to school, where they can get medical care, where they can get help when disaster strikes, where they can experience the love of Jesus.

Millions of people around the world live cut-off from all this and more by either geographic barriers—like jungles, mountains, and deserts—or by social, political, or religious barriers.

Our vision is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.

Making disciples … at the ends of the earth

Each year, MAF provides aviation services to more than 400 mission agencies, churches, and humanitarian organizations around the world. Without MAF, some of these organizations would be unable to reach the people they serve. Through these partnerships, MAF connects isolated people with vital services and goods while sharing the love of Christ in a tangible way.

This is how we carry out our mission of serving together to bring help, hope, and healing through aviation.

How do we gauge our impact? Through intentional focus on the following initiatives, we know that we are working toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Searching for new disciples by bringing gospel awareness so isolated people have an opportunity to hear about Jesus

Searching for new disciples by bringing gospel awareness so isolated people have an opportunity to hear about Jesus

Supporting existing followers and disciple makers by coming alongside believers, including evangelists, missionaries, churches, Bible translators, and other kingdom workers

Strengthening the capacity and talent of national staff by taking intentional steps to further the education and development of MAF’s local overseas employees

Serving people’s core needs by providing access to food, clean water, health care, education, and other necessities

Stewarding creation as a reflection of God’s love for mankind by supporting projects related to agriculture, conservation, wildlife, and other areas of God’s creation

Our People & Lasting Impact

MAF’s commitment is to see isolated communities and individuals engaged, served, and developed, leading to new and maturing disciples of Jesus, and improved quality of life. To have a lasting impact requires us to be well-equipped for the work. Fortunately, MAF is blessed with amazing staff and partners who are faithfully serving around the world.

Do you feel called to partner with us?