Ministry Spotlight: Jacob and Audrey Miller

When life’s detours got in the way of pursuing their dream of joining MAF, Jacob and Audrey Miller found that God had been preparing them for that very thing.

Jacob knew he wanted to be an MAF pilot; Audrey wanted to serve in Africa. But then, life happened—starting a family, paying the bills, steady jobs, the illness and death of a parent—and not having an A&P license seemed to keep the door closed to MAF.

The Miller family. Photo by Shelley Pimentel.

A bookkeeping job unexpectedly introduced Jacob to IT (information technology). He discovered he was good at figuring out technical things. After several different IT jobs, he started his own IT consulting firm.

Then five years ago, Jacob brought up MAF again, and the couple started praying about it. That’s when Audrey found a list of “30 before 30” goals she had written. On it were things like taking biblical studies classes and going to Africa (she has a music degree and sang in an African choir in college).

One of the requirements for joining MAF is 12 college-level credits of Bible classes. She’ll be able to check that off her list. And now the Millers are preparing to serve with MAF in Mozambique (in Africa). Check.

Turns out Jacob has the perfect combination of skills. He’ll be able to serve as an MAF pilot and IT specialist.

“What it told me is God knew our hearts and he held on to those things that we had shelved for so long,” said Audrey.

“We also wanted to be sure the dreams were not idols in and of themselves,” added Jacob. “Because they can become more important than the reason why you’re doing something. If I was told tomorrow that I can’t fly anymore, I’d still want to go and serve wherever the Lord leads me.”

Now the Millers, and their three children, are in the “MAF pre-fielder” stage—visiting churches around the U.S., trying to build their ministry partnership team. They’re learning a lot in the process.

“I’m having to ask God, ‘Do I trust you with this?’ ” said Audrey.

“We realize this is all in God’s hands,” said Jacob. “It’s impossible for us to go without people supporting our ministry. We just pray that people will ask God if He might be leading them to join our team.”

“They get to be a part of our story,” added Audrey. “And honestly, it’s not our story, it’s what God is doing.”


Is God calling you to take part in the Millers’ story in Mozambique? To find out more or to join their team, visit


Story ran in the Fall 2018 issue of FlightWatch:



Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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