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Category: Video

Their Hope is in Jesus

In the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), MAF staff are ministering to their neighbors in three camps for displaced people on the outskirts

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One Pilot’s Jungle Trek

An MAF pilot jumps at the chance to spend two weeks in the jungle doing outreach with local missionaries. When he approves the opening of a new airstrip and the MAF plane arrives to pick up his group, he’s reminded of the difference an MAF flight can make in the remotest parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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The Kids Action Network

Meet Kennedy Fumba with Kids Action Network as he shares about his calling to bring the gospel to children in the Democratic Republic of the

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Thank you for 2020!

Thank you! When we think of all that God accomplished through you and MAF in 2020, we can’t help but smile! You kept hope alive

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Celebrating 75 Years!

Did you know that 2020 marks MAF’s 75th anniversary? This year we’re going to be looking back, at God’s faithfulness, and looking forward in anticipation

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