How one family chose to leave a lasting legacy

Some of us get the call to serve as a missionary in a foreign country. Others of us are called to stay and serve in the U.S. Wherever we are, God uses His children to bring light to dark places.  


Be encouraged that you are making an impact for eternity each time you lift up Mission Aviation Fellowship in your prayers and as you financially sacrifice to support this ministry. MAF’s missionary families are continuing to reach those who are hungry to hear the truth about our loving Savior Jesus Christ! 

The Ellis family understands that it takes all of us to keep our pilots in the field around the world. They are excited to be involved in God’s plan to reach isolated people … without ever leaving their home in Idaho! They chose to name MAF as a charitable beneficiary in their living trust. 


Did you know that you can leave a gift to a charity like MAF in your end-of-life documents?  For many years, MAF has been able to propel its work forward in significant ways through bequests made in a will, living trust, or other type of estate gift. To learn more about how you can leave a lasting legacy, including some great resources to help you get started with your plan, visit 


Watch this video to find out how the Ellis family is leaving a lasting legacy.  



Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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